Unfolding Words

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Friendship: The Gift of Iron Sharpening Iron

If there's one area of my life that I'm blessed in it's the friendship arena. I've got a solid circle of friends who pray for and with me, encourage me and sharpen me. 

Today I had lunch with one of my dearest friends who was in town for a few days from Northern California. Our friendship spans more than 20 years. We've navigated the single life, went to college together, been in each other's weddings, and watched our children grow up. We laughed, giggled and caught up over lunch today. It was just what my weary soul needed. 

I'm convinced that good friends are beautifully wrapped gifts that God knew would bring us delight. 

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." - Proverbs 27:17

The beautiful thing about having a friend in the Lord is that we sharpen each other on all levels (spiritual included). And as we share the Word (which is sharper than two-edged sword), we are sharpening each other all the more. 

God designed us with the need for fellowship and friendship. I love how he brings people into our lives whose hearts get woven into ours.

Thank you Cre for bringing smiles to my Saturday! Love you friend!