Unfolding Words

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currently: April 2015

Loving: My little girlie's frohawk that she rocked for Easter. I wanted to do something different and it turned out lovely. Lots of compliments. Funny thing is when I told her to go look at herself in the mirror she said, "I look crazy."

Finishing Up: Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot. I just have a few pages left and have to decide what to pick next. The decision is overwhelming because I have a stack of books on my nightstand and a bunch of downloaded books on my Kindle. I've decided I want to get back to basics and read some Christian classics so I've downloaded titles by Andrew Murray, Warren Wiersbe, Brother Lawrence, A.W. Tozer.

Watching: Born in the Wild. Cannot stop. It's like watching a train wreck. I want to turn away but just can't.

Listening to: Erica Campbell's I Luh God. The kids love it. Christians are downing it because it's trap music but I'd rather my kids sing this than CoCo which my first-grader said he's heard many of his classmates singing word for word. When my sister hipped me to the video I was appalled that adults would know this song word for word.

Recently: Joined Goodreads to keep track of the books I've read this year. Join me? https://www.goodreads.com/nonsuperwoman

Enjoying: the pretty colors of spring. Flowers are in full bloom in our backyard and the jasmine bush in the front yard is so fragrant.

Happy: I bought a big container of Chick-fil-A's polynesian sauce for home. My seven year old has been begging me to buy some for him and he eats it whenever we have chicken.

Looking forward to: Seeing Celine Dion in Vegas now that she's returned from her hiatus. Praying for God to provide the funds so I can make it a girl's trip with one of my favorite friends. 

Addicted: to Stella Pop. I downloaded it for the kids and I end up hiding in a corner to play it. I clearly have a problem.

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