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Gettin' My Martha Stewart On: Pick a Pinterest Project (Gallery Wall)

Been wanting to put up a gallery wall display In the living room for months now.

I'd had a stack of photos taken down from a wall in the den when I rearranged the furniture and the TV took up the photo wall. I'd also had some items I'd bought from H.ome G.oods but never put up. All of this stuff was just stacked in a corner collecting dust. Shame! So this weekend, I just decided to tackle it.

Being the A-type personality that I am, I had to have some structure to the gallery wall, so I lined the photos up based on a wide strip of tape between the top and bottom row of pictures. Then I taped up paper templates to map out where I wanted to hang everything. I labeled each sheet so I'd know where to hang what. Such a time saver. I also put a strip of tape between each photo so the spacing would be the same.  I'm notorious for banging numerous holes in the wall trying to hang things. This time, I used a strip of tape to measure out the hole. 

After some swapping out on the layout, I finally hung everything. I noticed the colors lean too much on the brown side after  hanging, so I'll be doing some more swapping out, but I'm just happy to finally have everything up. Most of the photos are old, so I'll be choosing some news ones as well. 

The "M" on canvas is a Pinterest project I've been wanting to do since I stumbled across it earlier this year. I had to sort of free hand the letter because I couldn't get it blown up to the dimensions I wanted when printing it out.  It took about an hour and half and about 400 thumbtacks. Easy and I'm quite pleased with the results. And the best part: it only cost about $10 to do.