Unfolding Words

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The Gift List: Clothed with Strength and Dignity

I keep this laminated scripture card in the front of my planner as a reminder of who I am and how I am to be in the world.

I love that the verse says the Proverbs 31 woman is dressed with strength and dignity. Brand name clothes are great but nothing beats dressing up in these virtues. 

"And she laughs without fear of the future..." Instead of looking to the future with apprehension, she faces it with rejoicing knowing that all will be well.  I take great comfort in that.

Still counting God's best gifts to me:


131. Little toddler feet running through the house calling "Mommy! Mommy?"

132. My phone ringing with my mother on the other end just as I was about to call her.

133. Gentle correction from the Holy Spirit.

134. Prayers offered up in faith and trust.

135. A Bible teaching church.

136. Belly laughs with friends across the miles.

137. Text messages from my oldest in the middle of the day.

138. Summer sunshine

139. And kids in backyard kiddie pools splashing water.

140. Rediscovering an old (and favorite) book.

141. My grandmother's china set in the cabinet.

142. An extra few minutes of sleep.

143. An encouraging reminder that God is with us.

144. Morning hugs

145. Sweet anticipation.

146. Hot cup of coffee brewed just right.

147. My boss praying during a meeting.

148. Little boys who help their tired momma.

149. A good night's sleep after an exhausting day.

150. Blue skies for miles.