Unfolding Words

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When Blog Writing Doesn't Work Out the Way You Plannned...

Got a million little thoughts on my mind and I have about half a dozen half-finished blog posts drafts begging to be published. 

So I'm just going to freestyle it.

  • The weather here  in Southern California has been so East-Coasty: hot, humid and rainy all weekend. As a California native, I don't ever remember a summer storm of this magnitude.  That weather combination is not my favorite. I'll be glad when we get back to our dry sunny and humidless days.
  • I received a Fitbit from my husband on my birthday two weeks ago. I set reminders for myself so I can remember to get up and move around since I sit all day at the office. It's been a remarkable help. It also tracks my sleep. Seeing how much sleep I don't get has made me even more zealous about getting to bed earlier than usual.
  • I've become slightly addicted to the live-streaming Periscope app. Find me there at @NONSuperwoman if you've downloaded the app. My pal Kim Cash Tate and I started a Christian women's group there called #PeriSistersinChrist, which also has a Facebook group. It's for encouragment and support for those on Periscope. Videos only last for 24-hours so you have to jump and watch when you can or else they are gone for good. My last video was about ways I get the Word of God into the kids' hearts. I even had a guest host as my seven year old joined me. Fun!
  • I recently made up some Inductive Bible Study sheets for myself since I couldn't find one I liked online or in a journal. If anyone is interested, I can offer them as a free download. Let me know!