Just Let Me Be a Woman Ep9

Just Let Me Be a Woman Ep9

God did not design women to be and do everything that men do. Our roles are distinct and glorious. When you seek to operate outside of that which you are designed, you are sending the message that God didn’t know what he was doing when he created you woman. This trend towards blurring gender identity is further proof of how low people think of God because they say, “How I define gender sets the standard and not God.” And frankly, that’s a dangerous place to be because what you do is exalt yourself above God when you believe that what He created is not truth…

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But Evil is Winning God Ep8

But Evil is Winning God Ep8

When evil seems to be winning, we have to remember three things about God:

1. God will bring redemption of out the enemy’s evil plans. God not only saves Joash, but uses Jehoshabeath to redeem the role of women. We also see that Jehosheba and Jehoiada together are agents of redemption for marriage. Redemption is one of the most beautiful themes in the Bible. God creates something good but it’s subverted for evil – then comes in again and redeems it, giving it back the purpose and goodness it was always meant to have.

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GROW UP: Practice Your Patience Ep7

GROW UP: Practice Your Patience Ep7

This episode marks the final in the three part series titled Grow Up. Patience is defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Children paint an accurate picture of how patience is developed. Patience is a virtue rarely seen in young children—even less so in infants. Most children are impatient—throwing tantrums when they can’t have their way. As they get older, most kids understand how to wait and why you have to wait. But when patience isn’t developed in kids, it often reveals itself in anger and temper outbursts in adults. 

When it comes to your spiritual life, patience is something that should be evident—it’s a fruit that should be clearly seen.As mentioned earlier in this series, Adam and Eve were supposed to be patient and grow up in wisdom and understanding.

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GROW UP: Watch Your Step Ep6

GROW UP: Watch Your Step Ep6

A mature believer’s life is marked by a consistent walk—not one that’s marked by fits and start. There should be consistency in your walk. Paul instructs us to "Let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ." (vs. 27, NKJV) In the Greek this phrase refers to giving equal weight. In other words our walk should be consistent with our talk. If we confess Jesus Christ as Lord, our walk should match our talk. There should be consistency in our home life and our spiritual life. There should be consistency in our work life and our spiritual life. There should be consistency in our leisure life and our spiritual life.

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How Is the Joy of the Lord Your Strength? Ep4

How Is the Joy of the Lord Your Strength? Ep4

There’s a verse I’ve heard many times over without giving much thought to it. We hear it in songs, see it on greeting cards and on posters in Hobby Lobby. It’s Nehemiah 8:10 and the most famous part of the verse reads: for the joy of the Lord is your strength. 

The fact that it begins with for should tip us off that it’s the result of something else prior to it—so let's the verse in context.

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Who Is Most Blessed Among Women? Ep2

Who Is Most Blessed Among Women? Ep2

When we think about what it means to be blessed among women we often think:

 A woman who has children. A woman with a husband. A woman with the big house with the white picket fence. Or the woman with the prestigious speaking ministry. The one with the fancy car and designer bags. The pretty one

But scripture paints an altogether different picture of what it means to be most blessed among women. This term is used twice in the Bible. Let’s look at the first in the book of Judges. 

Judges 4:21: “But Ja’el the wife of Heber took a tent peg, and took a hammer in her hand, and went softly to him and drove the peg into his temple, till it went down into the ground, as he was lying fast asleep from weariness. So he died.” 

A housewife used a common household item to do something extraordinary—crush the head of the enemy.

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