The Sweet Spot of Surrender Ep1

The Sweet Spot of Surrender Ep1

Lately, the prayer of my heart has been the same words that Mary, the mother of Jesus proclaimed in Luke 1:38: "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to Your Word." In order for you and I to live according to God's Word and truly be His servant, we are going to have to lay down our plans and visions and hand them over them for His.

I’m currently reading through the Bible,… Abraham in Genesis. What struck me about his life (aside from His great faith) was his ability to surrender his life's plans to God. The Lord called him out of his country, his land and his family to a place that God would show him.  Imagine all of the plans and ideas about his life that Abraham had to lay down into order to obey the Lord.

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Introducing Unfolding Words-The Podcast

Sharing biblical truth that offers light for your walk and life for your soul

The Bible is full of jewels and great truths just waiting to be unearth.  But it takes time the scriptures to discover them. Every week, you can follow along on the podcast as I find gems and share them with you. And hopefully, these truths will ignite a passion for unfolding the Word for yourself as well.

How to Listen to the Unfolding Words Podcast:

You can listen here on the blog or by subscribing via Apple Podcasts, Google Play. Stitcher or the RSS feed.

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When Spiritual Drought Becomes the Norm

When Spiritual Drought Becomes the Norm

For the past few years, my home state, California, have been in an extreme drought. We've had water conservation mandates with numerous prohibitions and been given water restrictions with additional surcharges for going over the allotted amount per household.

Because of the extreme drought, I've grown accustomed being overly-conscious of how much water we use. I time the kids' showers, make sure everyone doesn't keep the running water while brushing teeth and cut back drastically on watering the lawn.  Brown grass and dying trees were once alarming sights, but have now become part of life.

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What Is the More God Is Calling You To?

What Is the More God Is Calling You To?

This week, the director of the ministry school I attend charged us with asking God this one question: "Lord, what is the "more" that You are calling me to?"

All of us have something that God has laid on our hearts. Maybe it's more prayer, more giving, or more forgiveness. We all have an inkling of that thing or things that God is requiring us to put more of ourselves into for the new year.

As I spent time in prayer contemplating that question, God let me know exactly the "more" that He's calling me to:

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The Necessity of Creating Sacred Margin

The Necessity of Creating Sacred Margin

We all need space for quiet moments to hear God and let Him speak to us. If you ask most believers if they have carved out sacred space in their lives, most will answer that they do in the form of church attendance or devotional time. But more often than not, those spaces are filled with noise: social time at church or time spent talking to God but not much for listening. I know I’m guilty.

While church attendance is good and called for and devotion time is a necessity, we should also seek sacred margin in our lives

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Why Aren't You Using Your Gift?

Why Aren't You Using Your Gift?

Just this Spring, I prayed for more margin in life and it came in the form of a job resignation. You can read all about that here. Since that time I've adjusted to life as a homeschooling, work-at-home mother who also is a ministry school student. Crazy how life can change in such a short amount of time.

Homeschooling has enough lessons of its own, but ministry school is proving to be the best teacher of lessons and has changed how I'm doing life.

I just started my second quarter. But last quarter, the running theme for me turned out to be: got a gift? Use It! It was in the Understanding Your Gifts class that we focused on this subject. We took assessments to determine our giftings and then discussed ways we could use them. I already knew what areas I was gifted it, but I knew God was calling me out of the knowledge phase into the action phase as He's laid some new areas to launch out into in the last year.

I used to be one of those people who always had a reason why I couldn’t fully use my gifts: 

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God Himself Is Your Inheritance

God Himself Is Your Inheritance

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is tucked away in the book of Joshua where the Promised Land is being divided up among the tribes. It reads: But to the tribe of Levi Moses gave no inheritance; the LORD God of Israel is their inheritance, just as he said to them. Joshua 13:33 ESV.

The Lord God Himself as the allotment given to the tribe of Levi. As the priestly arm of Israel, God promised to provide for them rather than have them work the land for themselves. I often wonder if the tribe of Levi understood the significance of this. I know I certainly do!

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Stumbling into Faith

Stumbling into Faith

It's been almost three weeks since I turned in my resignation, cleaned out my office at work, returned my badge, laptop and keys, and said good-bye to my co-workers. Since that time, I've been a stay-at-home mom to three kids. Just this week, I've applied for a homeschooling charter school and sat in orientation for another because I believe that God has laid it on my heart.

It's been a crazy whirlwind of walking, or shall I say, stumbling by faith these past few weeks.

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